The Lake Turkana Wind Power project is located near the southeast shore of Lake Turkana and covers an area of 20,000 hectares. The project area lies in the ‘Turkana Corridor’, where a low level jet stream from the Indian Ocean creates favorable wind conditions. Due to its unique location, between Mount Kulal and Mount Nyiru (these mountains effectively serving as a funnel), incoming winds are consistently accelerated to average wind speeds of 11 meters per second. By all measures, uniquely high numbers for a wind project.
The project comprises 365 turbines (Vestas V52), each of 850kW generating capacity, a 33kV collecting grid and substation, step up transformers including dynamic reactive power control system (DRPCS), the upgrading and strengthening of 204 km of public roads, the construction of 101 km internal wind farm access roads and a village to fully accommodate all personnel working on the project.
For more information regarding the Lake Turkana Wind Power project, please visit the LTWP website and see LTWP on Twitter.